Private Sales
Private Sales are a discreet and confidential service which connects a specific work of art object with a potential buyer while Winston & Associates, L.L.C. acts as the broker.
Sourcing works from private clients, auctions or dealers, we can assist clients to enhance their collections whether they are in the market for a specific work of art, antique furniture, decorative art, and or silver. For the buyer, Private Sales are suited to specific requests where a client is absolutely certain of what they are looking for.
Conversely, should you or your family wish to sell a specific item or a group of items, once Winston & Associates, L.L.C examines and values your property, we will work with you to strategize the best method for brokering your items.
We are happy to evaluate the item(s) you are considering selling privately.
All private sale enquiries are confidential.
For general enquiries about Private Sales, please go to our contact page by clicking the button below.

List of Artists:
Alexander Drysdale
Clementine Reuben Hunter
Clyde Connell
Elemore M. Morgan
Enrique Alferez
Frank Stella
George B. Dunbar
George Dureau
Ida Kohlmeyer
Jean Beraud
Leon Golub
Ralston Crawford
Richard Clague
Walter Anderson